- International Center for Consulting and Strategic Studies aims to build bonds of friendliness and the spirit of humanitarian work between peoples, first of all.
- The management of the International Center for Consulting and Strategic Studies puts in place an advanced program through an action plan that communicates with all the events and developments of the world.
- International Center for Consulting and Strategic Studies follows all matters relating to people wherever they are (wars, famine, epidemics, floods, disasters …) and provides sober research to overcome these crises and works within a specialized team to follow up on these matters.
- International Center for Consulting and Strategic Studies publishes a refereed academic journal specialized in sober research and studies that follows world events and is published quarterly.
- Printing sober books related to future science by specialists and specialists.
- Printing specialized magazines and pamphlets to follow up on the affairs of culture, media and peoples’ folklore through a future vision.
- Opening branches of the center in all parts of the world, and the branch is obligated to implement laws and regulations in any country in which the headquarters is opened.
- International Center for Consulting and Strategic Studies seeks to follow up the affairs of women and children in the world and follow up all conferences and seminars specialized in this regard.
- Opening the Administrative and Technical Development Institute to follow up the latest developments in the management of international institutions and follow up the latest sciences and specialized studies in this regard.
- Participate in all sober and relevant conferences and seminars regarding future research and studies, provide research and participate in its specialized committees.
- Concluding agreements with the auxiliary institutions working in sober academic affairs.
- Holding seminars and specialized courses in the matter of urgent matters that plague the world, and expressing opinion about what will happen to the events.
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